A Detailed Look at the VP Making Machine Business Type

As a VP Making Machine, you’re ready to grow your income by sharing the pawTree products, sharing the business opportunity, and showing others how to build a pawTree business. You're excited about guiding pet parents to solutions that will serve their pets well, guiding people to a solution that could serve them well, and guiding petPros who want more from their business.

You have developed a strong recurring customer base of EZ Ship customers and have built your business up to at least VP level or higher. Your income expectations have grown from a side gig income into a potential long-term solution to replace a current full-time income. The pace for reaching that income goal varies as it takes time to build teams to reach 5 figure a month income goals.

What You Do

As a VP Making Machine, you're well versed in repeating the simple 3-step process over and over to find pet parents who need the solutions pawTree offers. 

Step 1: Have Connecting Conversations.

Step 2: Guide Them to Solutions.

Step 3: Give An Invitation to Save Money or Make Money. 

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat! 

At your leadership level, you will want to keep these as part of your ongoing monthly activities for 2 reasons: 

  1. While you may not need to do it as often as you did as a Builder - you still need to keep finding new customers and new petPros to add to your business. 
    • Adding new petPros to Level 1 of your team keeps you from losing momentum. You’ll always want to be working with at least 3 engaged, Fast Start petPros on your Level 1. 
    • Customer growth will keep your sales volumes from dropping. Customers don’t always stay for a lifetime. 
  2. As you guide others to grow as Builders, you will need to stay relevant. They need to see you doing the same business-building activities you're telling them to do. 

As a VP Making Machine, an equal or possibly greater portion of your time will be devoted to guiding Builders on your team to reach the VP level. 

You always want to be working with 3 personally sponsored petPros who want to promote to the next title level. You want to help them promote to Senior Director in their Fast Start period and help them find 3 people to also promote to Senior Director. This puts them well on their way to Vice President! As a VP Making Machine seeking to move into a full-time income position, repeat this process of guiding others to become a VP repeatedly.  

A VP Making Machine moves from:

  • Entry Level [first time guiding a petPro on their team to promote to VP]
  • To Midlevel [guiding 2-3 more petPros on their team to promote to VP to reach Star VP status themselves] 
  • To Seasoned [building a 5 figure a month income by repeatedly promoting VPs and Star VPs from their VP Group]

Setting Income Goals*

At this level of leadership, your income goals are met in 3 ways.

Reaching your goals through sales is achieved in 2 ways:

  1. By earning sales commissions:
  • This income is from both New Customers and Recurring Customers. 
    • New Customers - people you introduce pawTree products to who have never purchased them in the past
    • Recurring Customers - people who continue to purchase products after their initial purchase from you
  1. By earning Product Pack bonuses and team commissions:
  • Product Pack bonuses are earned when a person you invite to become a petPro enrolls with one of our Product Pack options.
  • Team commissions come from a percentage of sales gathered by people you enroll and the people enrolled by those in your downline.
  1. Organization Growth - Group Volume and Generation Overrides:
  • Your Group Volume Override is Personal Volume sales from everyone in your group, down to but not including any VPs beneath you. It goes to unlimited depth.
  • A Generation One Override is a downline group that starts with the VP (or above) and it includes everyone below them, down to but not including the next Vice President.

While you can set specific action and result goals to hit targeted income levels in #1 and #2 above, income from #3 is more about steady growth and building income on top of income.

Common Five-figure A Month Practices

Based on company stats, what all 5 figure a month earners have in common is that they sponsor new petPros every single month! So, they are sponsoring every month, gathering new Paw Clubs every month, and all have at least 100 total Paw Clubs! 

Let's look at some of their statistics:

  • They all have Personal Volume (or personal sales) between $7,500-$15,000.
  • Their Group Volume is between 40,000 and 75,000.
  • They have Downline Volume between 225,000 to 1.5 million. 
  • They have between 35-40 active legs, about 20 builder legs, and between 6 and 9 VP legs.
    • When you become a VP Making Machine, this takes care of itself! 
  • They have between 1 and 5 Star Legs. 
  • They have between 138 and 1,800 selling petPros. 
    • By selling petPro, we mean a petPro that has any PV at all. 
  • Their Generation Bonus Income is between 25-50% of their total income. 

Remember, these statistics are pulled from VP Making Machines who are already making 5 figures a month. Staying focused on the actions required and consistent with your commitment to your business month after month, you will see your income grow. We hope you'll take this information, set some goals, and set some targets of your own. We're cheering you on!

Find a full training on building a business to a 5 figure income a month in pawTree University.

Find a printable version of this training here

pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each PetPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort.  

The financial results of all PetPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure chart that can be found here, which does not include PetPro costs.


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