Goal Setting and Getting

 Goal Setting and Getting

Setting goals is great. Getting them is better!  It's just like taking a trip. You can pinpoint where you want to go and even draw out the directions on GPS...but then you have to actually take the trip to get there! 

So let's set the course for 2023!

What Do You Want?

What do you want your pawTree business to do for you? 

  • Provide retirement savings?
  • Provide a way out of debt?
  • Fill that need to work in your area of passion?

Pinpoint the Destination and Go For It

Once you define all that you want from your pawTree opportunity, setting some specific and measurable goals will give you the focus you need to start moving towards it. 

Think of it this way... it’s like a destination on a map.

My goal is a designated destination that I am determined to get to.

My vision of what I’m going to experience when I reach my destination is what fuels my determination to get there. I am focused on what it takes to get there so I don’t get lost or sidetracked along the way.  In fact, if I wasn’t purposeful about how and when I get to my intended destination, it’s possible I might never even get the trip started. It just becomes a wish list but not a to-do list.

So with determined intentions, I make my plans. Am I in a hurry or do I have time to spare? If in a hurry, I’ll find the most direct path to my destination. If I have time to spare, I can determine my pace. I decide on the ‘experience’ I want to have based on how important it is for me to get to my intended destination sooner than later.

As with any trip, speed bumps, car trouble, and unexpected detours can happen. Without our vision for our intended destination, we might give up, turn back or just plant ourselves wherever things broke down.

It’s the vision we have of what is waiting for us at the intended destination that gives us the unshakable focus to make whatever course corrections we have to make to get back on the road and head to that destination.

Oh... and I don’t get to complain along the way and keep asking ‘are we there yet?’ Or blame others for not getting to the desired destination sooner. I own all of the choices I make along the way to get to my desired destination and if at any time I want to get there faster, I do what I need to do to speed things up.  

Use this month's Goal Setting Form to help map the route toward your intended destination. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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