Leading with Power Hours

Power hours (or 1/2 hours) are a great time management tool, for both personal business AND leadership business. 

The concept is this:

Dedicate a block of time (1/2 - 1 hour - This is an appointment you put on the calendar and protect, NOT something you slip into your day when you have a moment. 

Focus on 1 action - talking to people on the phone or engaging in conversations via texts and messaging services

Lead with 1 Topic - Choose a topic for your calls. Will it be customer care, prospect follow-up, new petPro check-ins, team check-ins, or something else? 

Prepare 1 List - This is a single list of names and numbers to call specific to your identified topic. This list is to be prepared BEFORE you arrive to your power hour. 

Tips for a Successful Power Hour:

Schedule an hour on your calendar for business time (daily/weekly/monthly) - show up for that hour like it is an appointment that will charge you for the cost of that appointment if you are late or a no-show. In this case, the "charge" is the lost income

Be Professional - Whether you have an actual office space, a corner of the kitchen table, or some other dedicated space to sit and work, this is where you need to be—NOT in a place where interruptions are guaranteed. 

Be Focused - This is NOT an hour for multitasking. You will do one thing and one thing only. 

Be Intentional - Have a goal to meet during this hour. 

When you use power hours to grow your business, you can expand your reach by involving your team. 

Announce - Tell your team when you have a power hour scheduled and what you plan to accomplish during that hour. 

Invite - Ask your team to join you and overcome phone reluctance. There is something fun and encouraging about doing it together! This can be done in a variety of ways: 

  • Set up a webinar or a Facebook Live where everyone logs in, mutes themselves, and begins dialing for conversations. 
  • Set up at a physical location where everyone can be on their phones together and no one stops dialing for conversations until the hour is over. 

Celebrate - Whether you are meeting virtually or in-person, establish a system for celebration!

  • Set a call goal and have everyone do a shout out when a call goal is made.
  • These can be celebrated as a "first one to___" or just "when you do___". Examples: First one to make 3 calls, When you have 3 conversations, First one to get a new sale, When you get a "No thank you"  (The answer isn't always yes, so celebrate the answer.. not the result.)

Now is a good time to remember the 90/10 rule. 90% of your time is focused on basic business-building activities (TSA, follow-up calls, sponsoring, customer care, etc.). 10% of your time is divided up on the following leadership activities: attending team meetings and training events with your personal team, check-in calls with Fast Start petPros and engaged petPros, and working with your upline leader(s) for personal leadership skill-building. The best part about leading with group power hours is that you are using your 90% personal business time to cross into leadership time!


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